Departs from Wellington Quay (Stop 135101) price is for a return ticket from Dublin to Fairyhouse. The Bus will depart Fairyhouse 30mins after the last race direct to Dublin.
Irish Rail trains depart Dublin, Connolly Station with a free shuttle bus collection to all train ticket holders. Return 5.15pm each day from Fairyhouse Avenue to catch train to Connolly Station.
We have a local shuttle bus that will drop in Ashbourne, Roatoth and surrounding areas. A minimal fee is charged per passenger.
Navan Racecourse Park & Ride
Easter Monday Only
Our friends at Navan Racecourse have opened up their car park and will be offering a bus service to Fairyhouse on Easter Monday. Pick up 11am and return to Navan at 7pm. Pre Booking Only.
Car Parking at Fairyhouse
Free Car Parking
We have ample free parking at Fairyhouse, but please allow sufficient time for arrival gates will open approximately 2hrs before the first race. Please also be aware that their will be traffic congestion on departure and to follow guidance from the car parking stewards.